Verran Gully Halo
Verran Gully Halo
Verran Gully Halo encompasses several large Significant Ecological Areas (SEA), including two endangered ecosystem types: Kauri, podocarp, broadleaved forest and Taraire, tawa, podocarp forest.
Verran Gully, Castleton Reid, Ridgewood and Park Hill Reserves and the nearby surrounding streets make up the Verran Gully Halo and it is bounded by Castleton Street, Verbena Road, Mokoia Road and Roseberry Ave.
If you live in this area and would like to connect with people in the Halo, join discussions, find out about events and how you can get involved, please visit the following sites:
Verran Gully (VERG) Halo Facebook
Birkdale, Salisbury Verbena Road S.E.A Restoration
John Kay Reserve Group
Verbena Wetland Group
The Verran Gully Halo Community Plan contains more information on the restoration work that has been developed for the area.