Be a Street Champion
Support your neighbours to remove pests
& enhance your street
At the heart of Pest Free Kaipātiki’s Ecological Halos are the Street Champions: members of the community who help drive and ‘champion’ our Halo activities within their own street. They are a vital part of PFK’s work - we love our Street Champions!

As a Street Champion you would be fully supported by PFK. We provide full training so you are able to offer advice and encouragement to neighbours to set up a trap/bait station or remove pest plants. You will also receive resources from us such as signs, traps, weedbags and tools, to assist in supporting your neighbourhood. Your contribution can be small or large - it’s entirely up to you.
Kaipātiki needs Street Champions who can assist with any of the following:
reminding neighbourhoods about predator pulsing in February, April, August & November
encouraging regular working bees to remove pest plants
arrange tree planting days
maintaining a communication network
and more!
Please get in touch if this sounds like something you could be interested in doing for your street, and also if you would like to get your neighbours involved.