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A New Pest Free Kaipātiki HQ


The disused Glenfield Bowling Club, Ross Avenue, Glenfield

In an exciting recent development, on the 25th of November, the Tira Kawana / Auckland Council governing body passed a resolution to accept the Kaipātiki Local Board's recommendation that the ownership of the buildings at Ross Reserve, Glenfield (the disused Glenfield Bowling Club) be transferred to Pest Free Kaipātiki. This new facility will be able to accommodate all PFK staff under one roof, have space for running training and local reserve group meetings on site, room for our community Tool Library while also enabling us to invite other community groups to also use this space.

There is a lot to be done . . .

And we are focused on making sure resource is not taken away from the incredibly important work our team already do supporting volunteer conservation efforts. We already have a team of volunteer Project Managers and a volunteer Fundraising Coordinator in place but we can always do with more help!

How can you help?

Donated items - we have a wish list of items we need - you may have had a clear out recently or may be happy to part with some old tools or materials we can make use of for this project. Have a look at our wish list of items and let us know if there is anything you can donate. Volunteer time - have some time to help out? Have a look at our list of things we need help with, it is very true that many hands make light work so get in touch if you can help with anything at all! Donations - this is an exciting project but one which has unfortunately come at a time when funding options are tight, any donations to this project would be gratefully received and can be made to the bank account set up for this project below.


Receipts for donations are available, if you would like one please email us.

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