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A HUGE thank you to all our pest plant hit squad members!

Writer: Pest Free KaipatikiPest Free Kaipatiki

Whether it's weekly on a Monday morning, once a month in response to a reported weed, or as part of the massive moth plant hunt, the pest plant hit squad members do an incredible job helping to keep our little corner of the North Shore beautiful by removing pest plants.

Three happy hit squad members with 3 bags of moth plant pods
Pest plant hit squad

And we wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all of you! Here is our open letter of thanks to the Hit Squad:

On behalf of Pest Free Kaipātiki Restoration Society, the people of Kaipātiki and all the plants and animals that live there, we want to say a huge thank you for all the work that you have done and continue to do protecting our native species by tackling pest plants.

The Hit Squad is an essential part of the work to protect and restore our local area and the natural places within it. And you are all part of that important work.

Without you and your amazing mahi, potentially millions of more pest plants would exist, damaging our precious native ecosystems. We know it’s hard and frustrating at times and we appreciate your dedication.

This season alone volunteers have collected thousands of moth plant pods and tackled hundreds of pest plants. Your efforts over the years, whether it’s every week or a few times a year, collectively have had a huge positive impact. Imagine what Kaipātiki would look like without you.

You have helped to keep our green gem of the North Shore beautiful and helped those that need protecting - our tui, kereru, piwakawaka, even kākā, and all the native plants, reptiles and insects that also benefit from removing invasive plants.

We thank you wholeheartedly for your efforts and hope you can continue as long as possible.

Keep up the great mahi.

Aroha nui

From all at Pest Free Kaipātiki Restoration Society

Alex Knight

Angela Mueller

Annie Dignan

Bronwen Harper

Ceci Hayes

Fiona Smal

Jem Raffills

Maisie Hamilton Murray

Nic Charlton

Tania McBeth-Stanton

Keith Salmon

Jo Knight

Impact of the pest plant hit squad

In terms of the impact that the Hit Squad and other volunteers have had on pest plants over the last 12 months, here are some figures:

1196 Pest plant sites visited and controlled

9231 individual pest plants controlled

9446 square meters of pest plants - approximate area controlled

158 weeding events or working bees

Amazing work! In addition, the hit squad have influenced dozens of people by engaging and educating them about recognising and removing pest plants. And the thanks not only comes from us, as some residents who received assistance from the hit squad have given donations.

And imagine what Kaipātiki would be like without the efforts of volunteers removing pest plants across our neighbourhoods. We would likely be inundated with pest plants like moth plant and woolly nightshade.

Example of an area inundated with woolly nightshade
Example of an area inundated with woolly nightshade

What's next?

The Pest Plant Hit Squad and other volunteers will carry on protecting our native bush and benefiting our native wildlife by continuing to tackle those nasty weeds. The planning for next moth plant season has already started when the Hit Squad want to visit as many sites as possible before pods start forming. Perhaps you can help? If so, get in touch.

Three happy hit squad members with 3 bags of moth plant pods
Three happy hit squad members with 3 bags of moth plant pods

If you think you can help and be part of this wonderful community, making a difference in our part of Auckland, then get in touch:


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