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Writer's picturePest Free Kaipatiki

Predator Update – get ready for August!

A big thank you to all groups who have been continuing their predator control to date.

By now you will likely have heard about the nations MEGA mast and our Auckland suburbs are no exception. This year has had an incredible amount of native seed and food produced, which flows through the food web and should help boost native invertebrate, bird and reptile counts.

This is great news… however the same can be said for pest animals. We really want to stop the surge in rat and mouse populations in particular - and stop them before they reach your homes ceilings and wall spaces, and of course protect the wildlife we are all striving to protect.

The solution is as simple as get a trap or bait station out into your garden and in our reserves.

A24 Traps for sale

With the wonderful support of Predator Free New Zealand and Kiwibank, we have a limited number of self-resetting Goodnature A24 traps available.

A24’s control rats, mice and hedgehog.

They are great for steep areas or those with less mobility as they only need to be checked once every 6 months. Also perfect for the holiday home property where landowners may be away for extended periods.

PFK are able to sell these at a special price of $100 so please get in touch if you are interested. Email

Monarch Park & Stancich Reserve

Welcome to Monarch park volunteer Karin who is helping rid that neck-of-the-woods, as well as Stancich reserve, of rodents.

Karin has seen an exceptionally large amount of bait take in this reserve which will be translating to fewer rats re-entering homes and preying on native wildlife.

With some nifty calculations about weights, feeding and bait take - the rodent population will have been reduced somewhere between 35 to 247 rodents.

Better indicators will be seeing more wildlife thrive in the near future and next breeding season. Thanks Karin!

Hadfield, Odin, Rangatira (HOR) Halo

Over the last two months we have issued almost a hundred traps throughout the HOR Halo. Including the traps in the photo above to a new street coordinator on Island Bay Road.

Volunteer in Reserves

We are currently looking for volunteers to assist us with

  • Trapping in Rangatira Reserve and Shepherds Park

  • Further initiatives starting up in your local park

Email and mention free traps.

Next pulse in August

The next big pulse on pests will be in August, but if you are just starting with a halo, start now and sync up in August.

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