A New Pest Free Kaipātiki HQ
How we report weeds is changing
Kick in the privets - Pest trees Chinese privet and tree privet
Predator Blitz - Pre-Christmas readiness
The Maramataka
Halo Street Views
Native Plant of the Month - December - Rimu
One Stream Connects Many Neighbours
A tale of two vines
Annual General Meeting of Pest Free Kaipātiki Restoration Society (Inc.)
The phoenix palm problem
Linley Reserve a hidden gem!
PFK Tool-Library - An additional 'Contactless' option
Volunteer Training - Thanks to Auckland Council
Native Plant of the Month - October - Karo
Jasmine - Delicate or dangerous?
Celebrate and enjoy Conservation Week 4–12 September 2021.
Citizen Science 2021 - Chew Card Results
Native Plant of the Month - September - Rewarewa
English Ivy - a common enemy