PFK Training Resources
PFK Training Resources
Training Programme: Learn what you need to know to volunteer with confidence
The PFK Training Programme has been put together to give you confidence to work independently as a volunteer group in your local reserve, or on your property.
We plan to offer the series of four workshops at least twice per year.
Complete all four training workshops, fill up your stamp card and receive your PFK accreditation!
Planting Skills
Know your ecosystem
Select suitable plants for your site
Learn how to place a plant order
Guidance for running a planting event
Predator Control
Held in a local reserve
Get hands-on practice
Tip and tricks – sensitivity and safety
Learn how to use the app
Plant Pathogens
How to work clean and keep your plants healthy
Kauri dieback hygiene & myrtle rust mitigation
New pathogens
Fresh research and updates
Pest Plants
Pest plant identification
Safe and effective herbicide use and plant removal
Planning your group’s work
Introduction to the CAMS weed app
Check our events page for upcoming training dates.
Training Videos
Want to learn the basics without waiting for a training event? You can watch experienced PFK staff and volunteers demonstrate best practice in our series of How To videos. More to come!